Category Archives: Money

How to Refinance Your Mortgage

Mortgage interest rates on 30-year loans have reached an all-time low, and they continue to be on a steady decline over the last several months as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The Federal Reserve kick-started lower interest rates in an emergency move in late

The 10 Worst Cars of All Time (Backed By Science)

Whenever I’m at a car event (too often), I hear the other automotive writers talking excitedly about cars. They want to restore cars, they want to own cars, and they even, inexplicably, want to drive cars. I feel envious of their passion. I have a semi-career as

Best and Worst Auto Insurance Companies For Seniors

Looking for the best auto insurance companies? A huge percentage of people never shop their car insurance needs — and that’s a bad idea. The reality is that modern American business punishes you when you stay loyal to a company, rather than rewarding you. Best Car

Biking: Best Way to Move Around During a Pandemic

The world is reeling from the coronavirus. People are forced to change with the way they live and travel. Public transportation is being stopped in some countries. In others where mass transport is not completely stopped, social distancing is being enforced. People are looking for

Effective Saving Methods You Should Use

Saving money isn’t fun. You don’t want to save money when you’re young. What you want is to spend it.  But you have to start saving money now. According to a survey, many Americans believe that they will need $1.7 million when they retire. That’s

Of Minimalism and Saving Money

Does minimalism mean more savings? An increasing number of people are getting interested in minimalism. They are attracted to the lifestyle for various reasons. Some are turned off by the blatant consumerism of modern culture. Others like the idea of making fewer choices. Then there

Not So Crazy Now: How to Do Financial Prepping

In the past, preppers were seen in the same light as conspiracy theorists. People considered them to be one step away from being full-blown crazy. With the pandemic now affecting everyone, preppers are now more like prophets. Prepping actually makes a great deal of sense.

Corona and Cash: Should You Be Afraid to Handle Dollars?

With the fear of the coronavirus spreading through contact with surfaces, some people are afraid of handling cash. They are afraid that they can get infected because of the virus found in the dollar bills. Is there a basis for this fear? Should people refrain

Pay Off Your Debt Or Save?

Do you have some extra cash right now? It’s understandable if you are wondering as to what you can do with your money. Should you pay off your debt or is it better if you save it?  When you try to do the math, it