Make Money During the Time of the Coronavirus

The coronavirus is affecting ordinary lives now.
More and more countries are taking drastic measures to deal with the pandemic. If you are finding yourself under quarantine or lockdown, then you might be unable to work.
Without having to go to work and required to stay at home. You have plenty of time in your hands. What can you do? Maybe you can try earning from home.
Here a few ideas that you can use to earn money while staying home:
Become an Online Teacher
Most of the options that are available for making money while online are internet-based. One of the best and the easiest is to become an online tutor. There are plenty of platforms that pay individuals who can teach others through the internet.
The most in-demand are language teachers, especially English language teachers. Most of the students are from Japan or China. The students range from beginners to intermediate. If you have a knack for teaching, then this might be a good thing to try.
Do Online Work
Telecommuting is nothing new but some jobs that are purely online. There are all kinds of work that you can apply for over the internet, from bookkeeping to writing jobs. Ideally, you should have a dedicated workspace in your home where you can be undisturbed while working.
What kind of job can you apply for?
Almost anything. If you’re an accountant or an architect, there are opportunities for you to apply online. If you have some talent for writing, then you can try becoming a freelance writer. The pieces you have to write can range from simple articles that you can do in an hour or two to highly technical ones that require several days.
One of the good things about these gigs is that they are still unaffected by what’s happening. If anything, there will be more online opportunities as people have to stay at home and have nothing to do but use the internet.
Become a Youtuber / Vlogger
You might think that since everyone’s doing it, then there would be less chance of making money. But with all the time that you have in your hands, what have you got to lose? You might as well try making videos and monetize them.
There are all kinds of videos that you can create and monetize. Because of the lockdowns and travel restrictions, travel videos are out of the question. If you’re gamer, maybe you can try streaming while you play. Think of something creative and unique.
There is little chance that you can make a lot of money out of the videos, but you might as well try.
Build Online Courses
If you have some kind of expertise which people might be interested in, then you should try building online courses. There are platforms available which you can use to build these courses and to market them to people. You have a captive audience right now and you should take advantage of that.
These are a few of the ways that you can make money at home while the coronavirus is preventing you to work or spend time outside. Who knows, maybe by the time everything goes back to normal, you wouldn’t have to go back to your regular job.