Avoiding the Student Loan Trap

You should be aware of the student loan debt trap. It’s a major problem affecting millions of Americans. Student loan debt now amounts to $1.6 trillion in total and is now bigger than credit card debt. It’s important that you avoid this kind of debt.

24 states that raised minimum wage rates in 2020

The minimum wage rate has climbed up at the beginning year for workers in 20 states, and workers in four other states are expecting to see a rise in their salaries before the end of the year. States and localities can set their own rates,

Dow Jumps Up By More Than 150 After 1,000-point Tumble

Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen by 156 points on Monday evening after it plunged by more than 1,000 points, marking its third-biggest daily point drop in history. USA Today reported that the Dow dropped 3.6 percent or 1,031.61 points on Monday,